Research - Start-Ups

Validaitor is a former research project and now Start-UP that is being incubated by the TECO research group. The purpose of the project is to develop a comprehensive system for the auditing and the certification of the AI systems. The project gets its funding from the BMBF under the StartUpSecure KASTEL programme. More information can more…

askui askui brings vision to your code and automates any technology and any use case by automating operating systems instead of applications. askui enables developers to build an automated digital world by providing an UI automation solution that brings vision to your code for the automation of any use case on any operating system. To more…
HelioPas AI

HelioPas AI is a startup spin-off which monitors agricultural fields on parameters like crop health and soil moisture. The latest research in data science enables HelioPas AI to produce unparalleled in spatial resolution and prediction accuracy. The data is used by farmers to monitor fields further away to better plan their field work and to more…

NovelSense UG (haftungsbeschränkt) was founded in 2015 and aims to enable context recognition in known and new application areas. The NovelSense team has expertise in practical data analysis, specifically radio-based sensing and context recognition, demonstrator prototyping, experimentdesign and -execution as well as automatic data annotation. In this early stage, NovelSense offers data science-based engineering services. more…

TWOSENSE enables Continuous Multifactor Authentication . Twosense continually monitors biometric behavior to provide zero-interruption MFA and take action any time the wrong user is behind the keyboard. Twosense allows you to easily add continuous MFA to your login workflows, with no additional training or hardware required for your users. Users don’t need to manually enroll, more…

Optonaut is a Start-Up project which gives you the opportunity to take virtual reality panorama pictographs via smartphone. It produces stereoscopic images, which means that you can view the image in 3D. No additional hardware to the smartphone is required to take the “Optograph”. It can be viewed with any Virtual Reality Glasses (Google Glasses more…

Particle Computer is an enabling platform for various scenarios related to Ubicomp. Particles are tiny wireless nodes where a huge variety of sensors can be attached. Further, the fully programmable micro controller accompanied by powerful libraries let novices as well as professionals implement applications in the fields of sensor networks, human-computer interaction, supply-chain management and more…