Technology for Pervasive Computing
The TECO research group was founded in 1993 at the University of Karlsruhe (now KIT – Karlsruhe Institute of Technology) for R&D in applied telematics in close collaboration with the industry.
About Us
Ubiquitous Computing is the cornerstone of our work and competence, with Wearable and Mobile Computing, HCI, Distributed Collaborative Systems (especially Internet of Things, IoT) and AI driven big data analytics of time series data (especially those from sensors) as current research foci. We lead Germany’s big data centre, the Smart Data Innovation Lab (SDIL), and co-leading KITs HealthTech-Center and Baden-Württemberg’s Smart Data Solution Centre (SDSC). TECO is associated with the Chair of Pervasive Computing Systems at the Institute of Telematics at KIT, which covers educational activities. TECO is characterised by its closeness to industry, both in terms of its funding model and its participation in “real-world projects” with a range of partners from the software and hardware industry and companies that apply pervasive computing technology (e.g. in the context of HealthTechnologies and Industry 4.0). Many of our project results, software and documentation are open source and can be found on GitHub. TECO is home of the OpenEarable sensor plattform and the EdgeML AI tool (Beta Version with NAS-ML).
PhD positions
We have various positions in the above research areas open.
Bachelor/Master theses and HiWi job postings
See here for open theses and here for open HiWi positions!

We are looking for highly motivated students who strive to contribute with their own ideas. If you are passionate to work with internationally renowned scientists and the latest technology both on your own responsibility and in teams, you can visit our job postings for student assistants.
See here for our projects in industry and research!