Research – Projects
Since its founding in 1993, the TECO research group has been directing a multitude of projects across a wide range of research topics which can be divided into three broader Research Fields: Analytics, Human-Computer Interaction, and Sensors and Systems.
With partners from relevant industry sectors and the core idea to tie research and industry closer together, all of these projects are tightly linked to one or multiple Application Areas, most importantly Big Data, the Internet of Things & Industry 4.0, Mobile & Wearable Computing, and Smart Cities.
Other projects study how people interact with electronic devices and which tools can assist individuals or teams in different environments to benefit from technological advancement. Finding new forms of preparing and conveying information by using Augmented Reality or special feedback methods suited for particular contexts is essential to maximize the efficiency and usability of these computer systems.
SDIL – Smart Data Innovation Lab

Description The Smart Data Innovation Lab (SDIL) is a German nationwide research initiative from the Work Group 6 of national IT Summit The SDIL has been launched by national politics and IT industry on 8th January, 2014 at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT). The goal of the SDIL more…
HEPTA (Helmholtz European Partnership for Technological Advancement) – Topic area 3: Smart Cities

HEPTA promotes the cooperation between the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTh) and KIT in the development of sustainable technologies in the areas of “air quality”, “atmospheric physics”, “biomass” and “smart cities”. HEPTA has three goals: First, a formal connection between AUTh and KIT for technology development is to be established with special consideration of the more…
Digital Hub SBH

DIGITAL HUB SBH Baden-Württemberg established ten digital hubs and 3 subject-specific digital hubs. The St. Georgener Technology Center (TZ) is the physical contact point of the “Digital Hub SBH” consortium – the regional digital hub for the Schwarzwald-Baar-Heuberg (SBH) region, of which the KIT is a member. The KIT maintains a branch office – more…

HIDSS4Health and HIDA The aim of the Helmholtz Information & Data Science School for Health (HIDSS4Health) is to attract, promote and train the best young talents at the interface between data science and health-related applications. HIDSS4Health offers a structured doctoral training program embedded in a highly interdisciplinary research environment, bringing together experts from more…
Smart Data Solutions for SMEs in Baden-Württemberg

Besides the BMBF-funded Project SDI-X this project is the second pillar of the state support of the SDIL. The project is funded by the Ministry of science, research and art Baden-Württemberg (MWK) as part of the Smart Data Solution Center Baden-Württemberg (SDSC-BW) to explore the use of suitable smart data technologies for SMEs. more…
SDI-X: Smart Data Innovation processes, tools and operational concepts

The BMBF-funded project Smart Data Innovation processes, tools and operational concepts (SDI-X) researches appropriate tools and best practices to not only facilitate extensive data analysis projects between different research and industry partners, but also enable their prompt implementation. The project is one of the publicly-funded pillars that support the operation of the SDIL and as more…
EUHubs4Data Most of Europe’s SMEs lag behind in data-driven innovation. To tackle this problem, the EU-funded EUHubs4Data project will build a European federation of Data Innovation Hubs based on existing key players in this area and connecting with data incubators and platforms, SME networks, AI communities, skills and training organisations and open data repositories. A more…

AI-Platform for automated training of object detection models based on cad data The manual assembly of devices consisting of many individual parts is a time-consuming, tedious and error-prone industrial process, which could in principle be supported by automated recognition technologies. As a typical example, Gabler is a manufacturer of production machines for packaging goods, each more…
HelioPas AI

HelioPas AI is a startup spin-off which monitors agricultural fields on parameters like crop health and soil moisture. The latest research in data science enables HelioPas AI to produce unparalleled in spatial resolution and prediction accuracy. The data is used by farmers to monitor fields further away to better plan their field work and to more…

Within the BMBF-funded project “Lehre hoch Forschung”, several measures to establish research-oriented teaching at a much earlier stage than in traditional university teaching are implemented at KIT – both in individual institutes as well as in the central institutions. TECO / the Chair for Pervasive Computing Systems is involved in the more…
AI driven autocalibration of a heterogeneous sensor network

Environmental sensors must be calibrated regularly in order to correctly take into account construction-related and external influences in the interpretation of the raw data and to correct them accordingly. Only then can any meaning be ascribed to the measurement data. Low-cost sensors are preferably used in Citizen Science applications, whereby a lengthy calibration with an more…
ScaleIT: Scaling ICT for Increasing Productivity in mechtronics manufacturing

Germany has a leading position in the development of mechatronic systems. However, manufacturers often face the following contradiction: on the one hand they themselves manufacture high-tech for the production of tomorrow and on the other hand due to the high diversity in their own production they become fragmented with to manual processes. The lack of more…
Requirement analysis for energetic construction measures based on historical infrastructure data

Over several years, the KIT-FM (Facility Management) has collected data with immense value for the operational management, but also for the planning and implementation of future infrastructure developments. This data has been collected in a widely closed real system and is available for nearly all buildings on the Campus North (former research center) containing a more…
Software Campus: KEESmartHome – Comfort-Efficiency-Equilibrium in a Smart Home

Lowering the energy consumption has become a prime goal for most, if not all, system developers and engineers working nowadays in building smart environments, consorting that way with the today’s world’s climate and energy policy. A smart environment like a smart home should therefore be able to provide energy efficient solutions and services. This should more…
Software Campus: Data Driven Decision Recommendation for Administrative Bodies Based on Collective Intelligence

The enormous amount of data created by people using every day mobile devices with increasingly sensing capabilities, such as image, location and other data, has led to the establishment of a new crowdsourcing concept called Participatory Sensing. It describes people voluntarily sensing their local environment and sharing this data using mobile phones and the web, more…
GPU + In-Memory Data Management for Big Data Analytics

In this project, we develop a tool chain based on In-Memory Data Management and Parallel Data Processing in GPU using CUDA for large and intensive Smart Meter analytics.
Software Campus: InstaGuide – A Document Generation Prototype for Reconfigurable Software

The Software Campus project InstaGuide tackles the problem of document generation in high variability intelligent industrial environments. The goal is to create a software prototype which can facilitate the dynamic generation of product documentation based not only on the current software configuration but also on the context at hand. At the core, it enables association, more…
Software Campus: PreTIGA

The Software Campus project PreTIGA is about optimizing player experience in game environments based on a generalizable model. The objectives are to build a game model generalizable to diverse game environments as a foundation to predict situations of interest like a decrease in fun or the drop-out of players and to proactively prevent such situation. more…
Software Campus: VDAR – An IT Project of Future Decentralized Power Markets

Description The Software Campus integrates higher education and research projects in an innovative dual concept. It embeds students in a partnership with leading German IT companies, offering them relevant workshops and career mentoring by top managers. The goal of the Software Campus is to establish a top-ranked qualification program more…

Koordinator is the follow up project to the sucessful BMBF project landmarke in which research was directed towards the creation of an ad hoc wireless sensor network to improve firefighter navigation. In Koordinator it is now investigated how this navigation support network may be extended using novel pervasive technologies to improve mission control in more…
Science Bridge Asia

Description Science Bridge Asia: Urban Sensing of City Dynamics and Energy Use in the Beijing Metropolitan Area The “Science Bridge: Asia” program of the Robert Bosch Stiftung supports scientists working in Germany who would like to strengthen and rekindle exchange and cooperation with researchers in China, Indonesia, India, Japan, Singapore, South Korea or Vietnam. more…
Towards a Mobile Cloud: an EIT ICT LABS ACTIVITY

The project Towards a Mobile Cloud is an activity in the Computing in the Cloud action line of EIT ICT Labs. It conducts research in order to support next-generation elastic mobile clouds, where mobile scenarios are consistently supported by cloud environments. Benchmarking and Evaluation Tools for assessing more…

Digital Preservation (DP) is traditionally understood as the management of digital information over time. The digital preservation problem is well-understood for query-centric information scenarios but has been less explored for scenarios where the important digital information to be preserved is the execution context within which data is processed, analysed, transformed and rendered. A primary motivation more…
IT-Ecosystems subproject “LocCom”

Classical approaches of computer science do not scale well for today’s large and complex software-intensive systems. Software systems cannot be considered in isolation, since they are connected among each other and interact massively. Instead they are to be designed as parts of a larger IT Ecosystem. In analogy to biological ecosystems, IT Ecosystems are based more…
PHAR: Practical Human Activity Recognition

The goal of this project is to create practical approaches to human activity recognition (HAR). HAR is the process of allowing IT devices, processes and infrastructures to be aware of the situations and activities of the human beings interacting with these systems. Awareness is typically enabled by applying data processing and machine learning techniques to more…

SmartSurroundingsThe Smart Surroundings research program is investigating a new paradigm for bringing the flexibility of information technology to bear in every aspect of daily life. It foresees that people will be surrounded by deeply embedded and flexibly networked systems that provide easily accessible yet unobtrusive support for an open-ended range of activities, to enrich daily more…

CoBIs develops a radically new approach to business processes that concerns physical entities in enterprise environments (goods, tools, etc). This approach embraces advances in networked embedded systems to embed business logic in the physical entities, thereby creating Collaborative Business Items (CoBIs). These items bring closer together the state of an enterprise as represented in a more…

AwareOffice The AwareOffice is an technology equipped office environment like a meeting room supporting various actions like scheduling, presentation, annotation and providing different services concerning these actions. Goal The goal of the AwareOffice initiative is to provide a real world test bed setting for ubiquitous computing (UbiComp) applications. Therefore we trace two directions opening up more…

The eSeal concept researches how to extend the concept of seals to general objects using Ubiquitous Computing technology. It identifies which additional threads can be detected using an electronic seal an implements several prototype seals. A major implementation path of eSeal was the DigiClip. The DigiClip system allows the tracking, synchronization and and integrity control more…

AwareCon is an approach for communicating in context aware environments and the network stack for the Particle Computers. AwareCon goes beyond traditional network approaches by using sensed context information from the environment to adjust parameters inside the network stack and by optimising the transfer of context information inside Ubiquitous Computing environments. It is therefore both more…

The SmartShelf is an RFID reader enabled shelf. The project goal was to research various strategies to understand and influence the customers’ decision behavior during the process of buying items in a retail store. The SmartShelf is a technology to reveal customers’ interactions with a product item in an unobtrusive way. Features: The SmartShelf is more…
TEA – Technology for Enabling Awareness

As computing devices and sensors get smaller, the interface with their user becomes more and more boring and irritating. The user has to explicitly input everything in detail in order to get some decent service from his device. Part of the solution to this problem is known as CONTEXT AWARENESS: thanks to hardware sensors and more…