Research – Projects
Since its founding in 1993, the TECO research group has been directing a multitude of projects across a wide range of research topics which can be divided into three broader Research Fields: Analytics, Human-Computer Interaction, and Sensors and Systems.
With partners from relevant industry sectors and the core idea to tie research and industry closer together, all of these projects are tightly linked to one or multiple Application Areas, most importantly Big Data, the Internet of Things & Industry 4.0, Mobile & Wearable Computing, and Smart Cities.
Other projects study how people interact with electronic devices and which tools can assist individuals or teams in different environments to benefit from technological advancement. Finding new forms of preparing and conveying information by using Augmented Reality or special feedback methods suited for particular contexts is essential to maximize the efficiency and usability of these computer systems.

ML4Print In the ML4Print project, we collaborate with E.I.N.S. Software Solutions and Japico Dietz GmbH to tackle the document fraud using Artificial Intelligence. Document fraud is a major concern for the border control and hence for the security of the countries and current solutions lack the ability to identify the fraud in the documents successfully. more…

Validaitor is a former research project and now Start-UP that is being incubated by the TECO research group. The purpose of the project is to develop a comprehensive system for the auditing and the certification of the AI systems. The project gets its funding from the BMBF under the StartUpSecure KASTEL programme. More information can more…
Startup Radar | EUHub4Data

Startup Radar Startup Radar is an advanced Startup Scouting System for Benchmarking & Tech Due Diligence. The system utilizes publicly available information to offer valuable insights into the tech startup ecosystem, including traditionally overlooked markets, such as women-led startups. It aims to level the playing field for investors, end-users, and clients, especially for those, such more…

SoftNeuro is a project focused on the development of resource-constrained artificial intelligence for soft robotics and wearables, utilizing neuromorphic systems and soft electronics. The project aims to create a new paradigm for artificial intelligence that overcomes the limitations of traditional computing in soft and wearable devices. The project will leverage the latest advances in neuromorphic more…

The goal of the Karlsruhe Competence Center for AI Engineering is to link state-of-the-art AI research and established engineering disciplines. For the application of Artificial Intelligence (AI), more specifically Machine Learning (ML) in practice, basic principles get researched and new tools developed. The main application areas include industrial production as well as mobility. more…

Air quality and the associated subjective and health-related quality of life are among the important topics of our time. However, it is very difficult for many cities to take measures that to accommodate today’s needs concerning e.g. mobility, housing and work, because a consistent data base with fine-granular data and information on causal chains is more…

edge-ml is a browser based, end-to-end machine learning framework for time-series data on microcontrollers. Data can be ingested using various methods, including live collection. Labeling is supported in a user-friendly manner with a graphical user interface. Based on the datasets and labels, users can train machine learning models which are deployable onto microcontrollers.
EUHubs4Data Most of Europe’s SMEs lag behind in data-driven innovation. To tackle this problem, the EU-funded EUHubs4Data project will build a European federation of Data Innovation Hubs based on existing key players in this area and connecting with data incubators and platforms, SME networks, AI communities, skills and training organisations and open data repositories. A more…
DroneCAS | EUHUBS4Data
DroneCAS The target is to capture digital data in the medium voltage grid, which supplies energy to European rural areas through over 4 million kilometers of power lines. On-foot inspections are cost-effective but do not capture digital data, limiting the implementation of AI analysis. Drones can provide high-quality data at a lower cost but require more…
FreshIndex | EUHub4Data

FreshIndex in EUHub4Data is a project that focuses on enhancing the safety and sustainability of the food sector by utilizing AI and IoT technologies. The project aims to develop a comprehensive monitoring system that tracks food quality and safety from farm to table, while reducing waste and promoting sustainability throughout the food supply more…
ARCTUS – Monitoring refrigerator condensing units | EUHubs4Data

In the ARCTUS project we develop machine learning (ML) models to monitor refrigerator condensing units (RCU). Such ML models can bring significant value since they provide information on upcoming malfunctions that could stop the operation of an RCU and also predict future energy consumption. For this project we use public datasets as well as data more…

AI-Platform for automated training of object detection models based on cad data The manual assembly of devices consisting of many individual parts is a time-consuming, tedious and error-prone industrial process, which could in principle be supported by automated recognition technologies. As a typical example, Gabler is a manufacturer of production machines for packaging goods, each more…
ScaleIT: Scaling ICT for Increasing Productivity in mechtronics manufacturing

Germany has a leading position in the development of mechatronic systems. However, manufacturers often face the following contradiction: on the one hand they themselves manufacture high-tech for the production of tomorrow and on the other hand due to the high diversity in their own production they become fragmented with to manual processes. The lack of more…
Software Campus: KEESmartHome – Comfort-Efficiency-Equilibrium in a Smart Home

Lowering the energy consumption has become a prime goal for most, if not all, system developers and engineers working nowadays in building smart environments, consorting that way with the today’s world’s climate and energy policy. A smart environment like a smart home should therefore be able to provide energy efficient solutions and services. This should more…
Software Campus: FeinPhone

The ubiquity of mobile networks and smartphones in principle offers an excellent infrastructure for participatory environmental measurements, e.g. in Smart City scenarios. Modern smartphones are already equipped with a variety of internal sensors. In some current models, even environmental sensors for measuring temperature, humidity and air pressure can be found. However, phenomena such as the more…

Particulate Matter has a serious impact on health, well-being and the life expectancy of people. Today, only few stationary or mobile sensing stations are available for the monitoring of large areas, e.g. a city. This project aims to develop mobile particulate matter dosimeters that can be used for distributed Fine Dust Monitoring, e.g. through Participatory more…
Smart Air Purifier

In the Smart Air Purifier project, a prototypical microelectronic IoT-platform was developed and integrated into an air purifier unit for the use in cars. This Smart Air Purifier is outfitted with various environmental sensors, a microcontroller, and a Bluetooth Low Energy module. The system can determine the temperature, humidity, and concentration of various gases and particulate more…

The bPart is a sensor node with Bluetooth Low Energy (BT LE) radio and several off the shelf MEMS sensors, all highly integrated in a volume of less than 1cm³. Aside from the BT transceiver, the bPart features a light sensor, 3-axis accelerometer, temperature sensor, humidity sensor, battery, processing unit and a multicolor RGB-led for more…
Software Campus: InstaGuide – A Document Generation Prototype for Reconfigurable Software

The Software Campus project InstaGuide tackles the problem of document generation in high variability intelligent industrial environments. The goal is to create a software prototype which can facilitate the dynamic generation of product documentation based not only on the current software configuration but also on the context at hand. At the core, it enables association, more…
Software Campus: FRAGMENTS – A Development Framework for Human-Computer-Interactions in Intelligent Environments

The Software Campus project FRAGMENTS is about interacting with intelligent environments. The goal is to create a software framework which can facilitate the design and development of efficient and intuitive user interfaces by the use of appropriate design guidelines. The editor at the core of the framework enables short iteration cycles by providing basic interface more…
Software Campus: Hot Updates in Distributed Systems

The Software Campus UHUS project is about updating the software components of distributed systems at runtime. It’s goals are to provide mechanisms to implement hot updates on individual devices, and provide planning strategies to coordinate update plans on many systems. We are working on identifying dependencies between software components, such as communicating devices in smart more…
Science Bridge Asia

Description Science Bridge Asia: Urban Sensing of City Dynamics and Energy Use in the Beijing Metropolitan Area The “Science Bridge: Asia” program of the Robert Bosch Stiftung supports scientists working in Germany who would like to strengthen and rekindle exchange and cooperation with researchers in China, Indonesia, India, Japan, Singapore, South Korea or Vietnam. more…
TECO Envboard

The TECO Envboard is an environmental sensing platform for research and development purposes. It carries a variety of commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) sensors, ranging from accelerometers over weather sensors like temperature, humidity and barometric pressure to sensors for gas concentrations and particulate matter. The Envboard is intended to be generically suitable for various application scenarios. more…

Digital Preservation (DP) is traditionally understood as the management of digital information over time. The digital preservation problem is well-understood for query-centric information scenarios but has been less explored for scenarios where the important digital information to be preserved is the execution context within which data is processed, analysed, transformed and rendered. A primary motivation more…

The objective of the research project Polytos is to develop printed organic circuits with integrated sensors capable of recording data such as temperature, humidity or light exposure. The deployment of these types of printed organic circuits for item-level-tagging in logistics or supply chain scenarios could be used as organic printed smart labels in the future. more…

The DiagnOptiMesh project will conduct original research on the possibilities to diagnose and optimize the status of commercial wireless networks based on the WirelessHART standard. This will be the first attempt to establish network diagnosis and management for wireless field bus systems used in industrial automation that will collect diagnostic information and optimize the system more…

Aletheia was a leading innovation project, sponsored by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research, that aims at obtaining comprehensive access to product information through the use of semantic technologies. TECO researches in federating information from heterogeneous device such as sensor nodes and RFID tags. Together with ABB we work on platform independent solutions for more…

Chosen: Cooperative Hybrid Objects Sensor Networks. Chosen researches, develops and applies a ultra-low power standard chipset for wireless sensor nodes that will be SOA/Web2.0 enabled. The sensor node will have features as wake-up-on-radio pattern and will integrate directly into Web 2.0 applications. Applications areas cover automotive and avionics. TU Braunschweig leads the middleware and system/integration more…

In sensor networks, different types of sensors are used to capture events, recognize contexts, derive states of objects or monitor processes within application scenarios. The processes themselves are often very complex (e.g. in industrial applications) and a combination of sensor data from different sensor nodes is used to derive information regarding their states or properties. more…
MoSe (Modeling of Sensor Network)

With the progress of wireless sensor network (WSN), this emerging technique is soon applied in many industrial projects. However, a standard to describe the security level in WSN is still lacking, which becomes very needful today. In MoSe Project we try to build a formal model to describe the security level of sensor network and more…
Project Intelligenter Güterwagen (Intelligent waggon)

Wireless sensor networks are well suited for supervising conditions in various environments. When used in rail cargo for continuous monitoring of freight wagons, the results can provide many benefits for the operator, such as train sequence monitoring, monitoring of unusual events that may lead to accidents or estimation of optimal service points. The main challenges more…
SenseCast: Context Prediction for Optimisation of Network Parameters in Wireless Sensor Networks

Topic Development and utilisation of methods of context prediction for the optimisation of data generation in wireless sensor networks Research area and field of work Computer Science / Electrical Engineering: Algorithms, Optimisation, Sensor Networks Summary The aim of the project is to develop new methods for context prediction in wireless sensor networks (WSN) and to more…

The dinam concept is a novel approach to simplified rapid development of wireless sensor network applications as well as an according WSN platform. As opposed to the traditional mote- based development archetype, dinam proposes combining the development steps into a single continuous, fluid process that is completely integrated into the node. The dinam concept sensor more…

Low Cost Smart-Labels for Logistic Processes in Retail Sponsor: Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF) Projektdauer: 01.04.2006 bis 30.09.2008 (30 Monate) Ziel des Projektes Das Ziel des Projektes besteht darin das Inventurproblem im Einzelhandel zu lösen. Dazu sollen billige RFID-Tags mit gedruckten Antennen an jedem einzelnen Produkt angebracht werden. Durch Optimierungen der Kommunikationsprotokolle und mobile more…

P2P4Ubicomp researches how to interconnect various distributed sensor networks, what performance measures are important, what and how information are replicated among involved remote locations etc. The project researches this issues regarding integrating into Internet and Telco environments and builds up large, world-spanning environments. Many industrial applications rely on sensors and sensor networks residing on machinery, more…

The goal of RELATE is to research in spatial relationships between tangible objects that together form an interface both in P2P location hardware, software (recognition, protocols, applications) and user applications. One goal of the project is to develop generic building blocks for a lightweight short range (room size) location system that does NOT require infrastructure, more…
Superimposing RF Transmission

Superimposing codes can be used for a variety of applications in sensor network communication. One of the earliest applications was precise time synchronization of sensor nodes and channel access negotiation in AwareCon. More advances applications are using superimposed codes for ultra-fast ultra power-saving transmission of information – up to 1000 times faster than with traditional more…
DFG SPP 1183: Organic computing – Emergent radio

Cooperative and collaborative strategies for transmission in wireless sensor networks enable transmission range restricted nodes to reach distant receivers by superimposing transmission signals. This addresses an important practical problem of wireless sensor networks. In this proposal we extend this strategy by emergent properties: We establish a method to adapt the collaborative emergent optimisation process by more…

SmartSurroundingsThe Smart Surroundings research program is investigating a new paradigm for bringing the flexibility of information technology to bear in every aspect of daily life. It foresees that people will be surrounded by deeply embedded and flexibly networked systems that provide easily accessible yet unobtrusive support for an open-ended range of activities, to enrich daily more…

CoBIs develops a radically new approach to business processes that concerns physical entities in enterprise environments (goods, tools, etc). This approach embraces advances in networked embedded systems to embed business logic in the physical entities, thereby creating Collaborative Business Items (CoBIs). These items bring closer together the state of an enterprise as represented in a more…

AwareOffice The AwareOffice is an technology equipped office environment like a meeting room supporting various actions like scheduling, presentation, annotation and providing different services concerning these actions. Goal The goal of the AwareOffice initiative is to provide a real world test bed setting for ubiquitous computing (UbiComp) applications. Therefore we trace two directions opening up more…

uParts are tiny little sensor network nodes that are very easy to deploy and run a 0-administration and low configuration (or 0-configuration when used with default) approach. The projects researches how to reach minimum deployment and maintenance costs of a sensor network and includes research on long lifetime hardware, 0-maintanance communication protocols, lower production costs more…

Particle Computer is an enabling platform for various scenarios related to Ubicomp. Particles are tiny wireless nodes where a huge variety of sensors can be attached. Further, the fully programmable micro controller accompanied by powerful libraries let novices as well as professionals implement applications in the fields of sensor networks, human-computer interaction, supply-chain management and more…

The MediaCup is an ordinary coffee cup augmented with sensing, processing and communication capabilities (integrated in the cup’s bottom), to collect and communicate general context information in a given environment. It is an example how to equip everyday objects with computing and communication capabilities. With the MediaCup setup (consisting of several cups and other equipment) more…

The eSeal concept researches how to extend the concept of seals to general objects using Ubiquitous Computing technology. It identifies which additional threads can be detected using an electronic seal an implements several prototype seals. A major implementation path of eSeal was the DigiClip. The DigiClip system allows the tracking, synchronization and and integrity control more…

ParticleBasic is an attempt to simplify the programming model of the Particle Computer and enable rapid prototyping of applications. It therefore consists of two major components: A small scale VM on the Particle Computer and an interpreter running on top of it. A compiler for the development platform (written in JAVA) that generates byte code more…

Rather than using a hierachical approach to resolve RFIDs indentification code to database information this project researches in using Peer-to-Peer technology. The project showed that privacy of information can be better ensured and higher reliability can be gained using such an approach. A query, which consists of an identification string, is sent to the network more…

The Smart-Its project is interested in a far-reaching vision of computation embedded in the world. In this vision, mundane everyday artefacts become augmented as soft media, able to enter into dynamic digital relationships. In our project, we approach this vision with development of “Smart-Its” – small-scale embedded devices that can be attached to everyday objects more…

AwareCon is an approach for communicating in context aware environments and the network stack for the Particle Computers. AwareCon goes beyond traditional network approaches by using sensed context information from the environment to adjust parameters inside the network stack and by optimising the transfer of context information inside Ubiquitous Computing environments. It is therefore both more…

The SmartShelf is an RFID reader enabled shelf. The project goal was to research various strategies to understand and influence the customers’ decision behavior during the process of buying items in a retail store. The SmartShelf is a technology to reveal customers’ interactions with a product item in an unobtrusive way. Features: The SmartShelf is more…
Location Aware Communication/RAUM

RAUM is a communication principle for spontaneous communication between small devices in Ubiquitous Computing environments. Its central idea is to use location information to assign producers and consumers of communication events in such environment and provide location aware and location dependent routing to distribute information within Ubiquitous Computing environments. The centre of the RAUM system more…